Category Archives: Blog Writing

4 Reasons Why Blogging Matters

1. It brings ideas out to the public – a lot of people have some pretty unique perspectives. Now, we all get a chance to hear those ideas and explore them. 2. You can get something off your chest – imagine if violence in the world went away because more and more people used their…

via 4 Reasons Why Blogging Matters — BayArt

15 Bite-Sized Lessons for Bloggers


I’m the huge proponent of continuous learning, specifically in the form of MOOCs. MOOCs can be anything from 45-minute online quickie tutorials to 40-hour courses from accredited universities that result in valuable certificates of completion. I believe they all serve a purpose. Skillshare is one of the most popular platforms for this type of learning. Most…

via 15 Bite-Sized Lessons for Bloggers — BayArt

What is Happiness, Anyway?

What is happiness? People have agonized over this question for centuries, but only recently has science begun to weigh in on the debate. Most of us probably don’t believe we need a formal definition of happiness; we know it when we feel it, and we often use the term to describe a range of positive…

via What is Happiness, Anyway? — BayArt

Day 16: Ways to Complain Less and Be Happier — BayArt

We all complain. Even if you argue that you are the happiest person in the world, you still complain sometimes. Sometimes we complain without even realizing it, but rarely is it ever helpful. Sure, a common complaint can bond two people who may have nothing in common, but too much complaining would just break down…

via Day 16: Ways to Complain Less and Be Happier — BayArt

Day 15: What about things you love about yourself — BayArt

Write down about things you love about yourself. Example headline: [Number] Things I Love About Myself Writing Tip: Be honest, humble, and personable. Nobody likes a know-it-all. The more personality you can show in a blog post, the better. You’re not writing for your college English professor. You’re writing for the amusement of the reader.…

via Day 15: What about things you love about yourself — BayArt

Day 14: What about your unhealthy habits — BayArt

Write about your unhealthy habits. Use your new post as an accepting, unconditionally loving space holder for who you are—even with these habits. Use this exercise to release the guilt you might feel for having them. Acknowledge your humanness. Write yourself a permission slip that lets you continue these habits until you are ready to…

via Day 14: What about your unhealthy habits — BayArt

Day 13: What is Your Ritual? — BayArt

Rituals are a huge part of our lives. Some people like to take a hot bath before going to bed, some like to light a candle and sip wine after a long day’s work, and some read poetry on the way home from work on the bus. Write about some of your favorite rituals in…

via Day 13: What is Your Ritual? — BayArt

Day 12: Think about someone who inspires you. — BayArt

Think about someone who inspires you. What characteristics of that person make him/her so inspirational? Do you see any overlapping qualities between you and this person? Example headlines: [Number] Things About [Person] That Inspire Me Writing Tip: Write for yourself first Write for yourself first & foremost. Ignore the fact that anyone else will…

via Day 12: Think about someone who inspires you. — BayArt

Day 11: What is the hardest truth you had to accept that made you stronger? — BayArt

Question: What is the hardest truth you had to accept that made you stronger? Example headlines: Life’s Not About Comfort: [Number] Truths That Will Make You A Stronger Person [Number] Harsh Life Truths You Need To Know To Be Stronger [Number] Forgotten Truths to Help You Get Through Hard Times The sooner you…

via Day 11: What is the hardest truth you had to accept that made you stronger? — BayArt

Day 10: What are the top things I should experience in life? — BayArt

Question: What are the top things I should experience in life? Example headlines: Here Are the Top [Number] Things You Must Experience Before You Die What’s on Your Bucket List? [Number] Things To Do Before You Die If you don’t live your days by personal goals and plans, chances are you spend most…

via Day 10: What are the top things I should experience in life? — BayArt